单词 |
representative(delegate, deputy, representative, agent, substitute) |
例句 |
Seedelegate(delegate, deputy, representative, agent, substitute) |
随便看 |
- associate(join, combine, unite, connect, link, attach, couple, associate, relate)
- associate(vice, associate, under, deputy)
- association(club, association, institute, league, union, society)
- assume(assume, presume, suppose, guess, postulate)
- assurance(certainty, assurance, conviction)
- assurance(pledge, guarantee, assurance)
- as(though, although, as)
- astonish(surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, startle, stun)
- astound(surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, startle, stun)
- astronaut(astronaut, pilot)
- as well(also, too, as well, either, likewise)
- as(when, while, as)
- at(at, in, on)
- athletics(athletics, sport, game)
- at last(at last, at length, eventually, finally, in the end, lastly)
- at length(at last, at length, eventually, finally, in the end, lastly)
- atmosphere(atmosphere, air, gas)
- atom(molecule, atom, particle, speck, grain)
- at once(immediately, instantly, presently, directly, shortly, soon, at once, right away)
- attach(join, combine, unite, connect, link, attach, couple, associate, relate)
- attachment(addition, appendix, attachment, supplement, accessory)
- attachment(affection, love, attachment)
- attack(aggression, invasion, assault, attack, offensive)
- attain(attain, reach, achieve, arrive)
- man-made(artificial, false, synthetic, man-made)