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mountainsnounpl. of mountain an elevation of land higher than a hillmy cousin likes to climb mountains just because she can alps, humps, mounts, peaks cordilleras, mountain ranges, ranges, sierrasinselbergs(also inselberge), knobs, seamountsaiguilles, horns, mountaintops, pinnacles, summits basins, bowls, depressions, hollows, vales, valleys a considerable amountreceives a mountain of mail every year for the holidays abundances, barrels, basketfuls(also basketsful), boatloads, buckets, bunches, bundles, bushels, carloads, chunks, deals, dozens(or dozen), fistfuls, gobs, good deals, heaps, hundreds(or hundred), lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lots, masses, messes, much, multiplicities, myriads, oodles, packs, passels, pecks, piles, platefuls, plenitudes, plenties, plentitudes, potfuls, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, scads, sheaves, shiploads, sights, slews, spates, stacks, stores, tons, truckloads, volumes, wads, wealths, yards epidemics, plagues, rashesbonanzas, embarrassments, excesses, overabundances, overages, overkills, overmuch, oversupplies, plethoras, redundancies, superabundances, superfluities, surfeits, surplusesdeluges, floods, overflowsarmies, bevies, crams, crowds, crushes, droves, flocks, herds, hordes, hosts, legions, mobs, multitudes, presses, scores, seas, swarms, throngsgazillions, jillions, kazillions, millions(or million), thousands, trillions, zillions all kinds (of), quite a bit aces, bits, dabs, drams, driblets, glimmers, handfuls(also handsful), hints, licks, little, mites, mouthfuls, nips, ounces, peanuts, pinches, pittances, scruples, shades, shadows, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), specks, spots, sprinkles, sprinklings, strains, streaks, suspicions, tastes, touches, traces atoms, crumbs, dots, flecks, flyspecks, fragments, grains, granules, iotas, jots, modicums, molecules, motes, nubbins, particles, rays, scintillas, scraps, shreds, tittles, whitssmatterings, smattersdashes, drops, morsels, shotspieces, portions, sectionsabsences, dearths, famines, lacks, paucities, poverties, scarcities, shortages, undersupplies, wantsdeficiencies, deficits, inadequacies, insufficiencies a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one anotherhe piled a mountain of mashed potatoes on his plate cocks, heaps, hills, mounds, piles, stacks banks, bars, drifts, embankmentsbeds, layersmows, pyramids, ricksbarrows, cairns, pyresaccumulations, aggregates, arrays, assemblages, collections, conglomerations, gatherings, groupings, hoards, huddles, jumbles, knots, pileups |