例句 |
mountebanknoun one who makes false claims of identity or expertiseclaimed that many doctors were frauds and mountebanks charlatan, fake, faker, fakir, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, impostor(or imposter), phony(also phoney), pretender, quack, quacksalver, ringer, sham copycat, imitator, impersonator, mimicactor, bluffer, counterfeiter, deceiver, dissembler, duper, feigner, misleader, operator, tricksterposeurcozener, defrauder, dodger, fraudster(chiefly British), scammer, scamster, sharper, sharpie(or sharpy), skinner, swindler ace, adept, authority, crackerjack(also crackajack), expert, maestro, master, past master, professional, virtuoso, whiz, wizard in 1566 |