例句 |
flunkynounalso flunkey or flunkie a person hired to perform household or personal servicessince I'm just the flunky who files his papers, I've no idea where he is daily(British), domestic, lackey, menial, retainer, servant, slavey, steward butler, footman, groom, houseboy, houseman, majordomo, man, manservant, servitor, valethandmaiden(also handmaid), housekeeper, housemaid, lady-in-waiting, maid, maidservant, wench, womanassistant, attendant, companion, factotum, followerdogsbody(chiefly British), drudge, gofer(or gopher) master, mistress boss, captain, chief, foreman, head, headman, helmsman, kingpin, leader, taskmaster a person who flatters another in order to get aheada rock star who saw through the phonies and the flunkies apple-polisher, bootlicker, brownnoser, fawner, lickspittle, suck-up, sycophant, toady yes-manapparatchik, company manhanger-on, leech, parasite, sponge, spongerhenchman, lackey, lapdog, minion, running dog, satellite, slave, stoogeadmirer, cultist, devotee, enthusiast, fan, groveler, idolater(or idolator), worshipper(or worshiper), zealotadherent, camp follower, convert, disciple, follower, me-tooer, partisan(also partizan), pupil, votary ca. 1782 |