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focusnoun a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interestin the 19th century Paris was the focus of the art world axis, base, capital, center, central, core, cynosure, epicenter, eye, ground zero, heart, hub, locus, mecca, navel, nerve center, nexus, nucleus, omphalos, seat headquartershappy hunting ground, hive, hotbed, hot spot, playground, playlandkernel, nub, pithdeep, thickessence, quintessence, soulattraction, lodestone(also loadstone), magnet, polestar where it's at a guiding or motivating purpose or principlea wildlife conservation organization that seems to have lost its focus compass, cynosure, direction, lodestar(also loadstar), polestar benchmark, criterion, grade, mark, measure, par, standard, touchstone, yardstickaim, ambition, aspiration, dream, goal, intention, object, objective, purpose, target focusverbto fix (as one's attention) steadily toward a central objectivetry to focus your attention on the task at hand center, concentrate, fasten, rivet, train aim, direct, home (in on), hone in (on), level, nail, point, set, zero (in on)attend, heed, mindfixate (on), obsess (over)refocus in 1664 |