例句 |
foldnoun a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together sociallyready to welcome their old Liberal friend back into the fold body, bunch, circle, clan, clique, community, coterie, coven, crowd, galère, gang, klatch(also klatsch), lot, network, pack, ring, set charmed circle, elite, in-groupclosed shopclub, college, fellowship, guild(also gild), league, organization, societycamp, faction, sect, side, tribemess, squadbrotherhood, fraternity, order, sisterhood, sodality, sororitycommunealliance, bloc, coalition, confederation, congress, council, federation, union lonerindividualist foldverbto lay one part over or against another part offold the blanket so that it will fit inside the trunk double overlap, overlay, overliecollapse, telescopeclose, shutplait, pleat extend, open, spread, unfold, unroll to be unsuccessfulthe business folded after just two months bomb, collapse, crater, fail, flame out, flop, flunk, founder, miss, strike out, tank, wash out flounder, struggledecline, sink, skid, slip, slump, wanecrash, crumble, miscarry, misfirego underimplode, self-destruct come a cropper, come to grief, come up empty, die on the vine, fall flat, fall on one's face, fall short, lay an egg click, come off, deliver, go, go over, pan out, succeed, work out cook, flourish, prosper, thriveprevail, triumph, win before the 12th century |