例句 |
blarenoun loud, confused, and usually inharmonious soundthe blare of horns arising from the long line of cars behind him did nothing to help the motorist get his car started again babel, bluster, bowwow, brawl, bruit(archaic), cacophony, chatter, clamor, clangor, decibel(s), din, discordance, katzenjammer, noise, racket, rattle, roar discord, dissonancecommotion, furor, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, rumpus, tumult, uproarclatter, janglebang, blast, boom, clap, crack, crash quiet, silence, silentness, still, stillness calm, hush, lullquietude, serenity, tranquillity(or tranquility) blareverbto make known openly or publiclywas it really necessary to blare that private quarrel to the whole world? advertise, announce, annunciate, blaze, blazon, broadcast, declare, enunciate, flash, give out, herald, placard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, release, sound, trumpet bark, call (off or out), crybill, billboard, bulletin, gazette(chiefly British)knell, ring, tollblurb, feature, pitch, plug, promote, puffdisseminate, spreaddisclose, divulge, introduce, kithe(chiefly Scottish), manifest, report, reveal, showadvise, apprise, hand down, inform, notifycommunicate, impart, intimate beat the drum (for or about), run with conceal, hush (up), silence, suppress, withholdrecall, recant, retract, revoke in the 15th century |