例句 |
blaringadjective marked by a high volume of soundsome teens drove by and woke us up with blaring music blasting, booming, clamorous, clangorous, deafening, earsplitting, loud, piercing, plangent, resounding, ringing, roaring, slam-bang, sonorous, stentorian, thundering, thunderous brazen, dinning, discordant, noisy, obstreperous, raucous, rip-roaring, vociferousgrating, harsh, overloud, sharp, shrill, squealing, strident gentle, low, soft dead, quiet, silent, still, stilly, ultraquietcalm, dreamy, peaceful, restful, serene, soothing, tranquilhushed, muffled, muted, softened, toned (down) blaringverbpresent participle of blareto make known openly or publiclywas it really necessary to blare that private quarrel to the whole world? advertising, announcing, annunciating, blazing, blazoning, broadcasting, declaring, enunciating, flashing, giving out, heralding, placarding, posting, proclaiming, promulgating, publicizing, publishing, releasing, sounding, trumpeting barking, calling (off or out), cryingbillboarding, billing, bulletining, gazetting(chiefly British)knelling, ringing, tollingblurbing, featuring, pitching, plugging, promoting, puffingdisseminating, spreadingdisclosing, divulging, introducing, kithing(or kything, chiefly Scottish), manifesting, reporting, revealing, showingadvising, apprising, handing down, informing, notifyingcommunicating, imparting, intimating beating the drum (for or about), running with concealing, hushing (up), silencing, suppressing, withholdingrecalling, recanting, retracting, revoking |