

单词 blaze
例句 blazenoun

a sudden intense expression of strong feelingshe felt a blaze of resentment upon hearing that she had been passed over for promotion

agony, burst, ebullition, eruption, explosion, fit, flare, flare-up, flash, flush, gale, gush, gust, outburst, paroxysm, spasm, storm

blowup, grouch, rage, tantrumecstasy, rapture, transportdelirium, firestorm, frenzy, furor

the steady giving off of the form of radiation that makes vision possibletemporarily blinded by the blaze of dozens of camera lights

flare, fluorescence, glare, gleam, glow, illumination, incandescence, light, luminescence, radiance, shine

flash, glimmer, glint, glitter, scintillation, shimmer, sparkle, twinkledaylight, moonlight, sunlight, sunshineafterglow, aureole(or aureola), aurora, beam, halo, ray, shaft, streak, stream, sunbeamglisten, gloss, luster(or lustre), polish, reflection, sheen

blackness, dark, darkness, dimness, dusk, duskiness, gloom, night, shadow


to make known openly or publiclythe White House didn't waste a minute in blazing the lower unemployment figures

advertise, announce, annunciate, blare, blazon, broadcast, declare, enunciate, flash, give out, herald, placard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, release, sound, trumpet

bark, call (off or out), crybill, billboard, bulletin, gazette(chiefly British)knell, ring, tollblurb, feature, pitch, plug, promote, puffdisseminate, spreaddisclose, divulge, introduce, kithe(chiefly Scottish), manifest, report, reveal, showadvise, apprise, hand down, inform, notifycommunicate, impart, intimate

beat the drum (for or about), run with

conceal, hush (up), silence, suppress, withholdrecall, recant, retract, revoke


to be on fire especially brightlythe house blazed for over three hours in the late-night fire

burn, combust, flame, glow

catch, enkindledeflagrate, fire, ignite, kindleflare (up), light (up)flicker, gutter, waverbake, broil, char, cook, melt, roast, scorch, sweltersmolder(or smoulder), spark, sputterbeam, brighten, radiatebeat (down), flash, glare, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, shine, sparkle, twinkle

go up in flames

to shine with a bright harsh lightthe spotlight blazed through my window

beat, burn, flame, flare, glare

beam, glow, radiateflash, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glister, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, sparkle, twinklebedazzle, blind, daze, dazzle

to proceed or move quicklyan extreme skier went blazing down the ski slope at a reckless pace

barrel, belt, blast, blow, bolt, bomb(slang), bowl, breeze, bundle, bustle, buzz, cannonball, careen, career, chase, course, crack (on), dash, drive, fly, hare, hasten, hie, highball, hotfoot (it), hump, hurl, hurry, hurtle, hustle, jet, jump, motor, nip, pelt, race, ram, rip, rocket, run, rush, rustle, scoot, scurry, scuttle, shoot, speed, step, tear, travel, trot, whirl, whisk, zip, zoom

beetle, dart, flit, scamper, scud, scufflestampede, streak, whiz(or whizz)gallop, jog, sprintaccelerate, quicken, step outcatch up, fast-forward, outpace, outrun, outstrip, overtakearrow, beeline

beat it, get a move on, make tracks, shake a leg, step on it

crawl, creep, poke

dally, dawdle, dillydally, drag, hang (around or out), lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarryamble, lumber, plod, saunter, shuffle, strolldecelerate, slow (down or up)

before the 12th century





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