例句 |
toursnounpl. of tour a fixed period of time during which a person holds a job or positionasked the soldiers to consider signing up for a second tour of duty hitches, stints, tenures, terms shifts, watchesgoes, turnsdurations, standings, timescycles, spans, spells, stretcheslife spans, lifetimes, lives, runs toursverbpresent tense third-person singular of tourto take a trip especially of some distancethought it would be lots of fun to tour all over Europe this summer journeys, peregrinates, pilgrimages, travels, treks, trips, voyages gallivants(also galavants), hops, jaunts, knocks (about), perambulates, rambles, roams, roves, traipses, wandersmigrates, road-tripsbuses(or busses), cabs, coaches, cruises, drives, flies, gigs, jets, motors, navigates, rides, rolls, sails, trundlesbarnstorms |