例句 |
scampersverbpresent tense third-person singular of scamper to go at a pace faster than a walkthe child scampered off to play dashes, gallops, jogs, runs, sprints, trips, trots bounds, canters, leaps, lopes, shags, skips, springsbarrels, belts, blasts, blazes, blows, bolts, bombs(slang), bowls, breezes, bustles, buzzes, cannonballs, careens, courses, foots (it), hares, hastens, hies, hoofs (it), hotfoots (it), humps, hurls, hurries, hurtles, hustles, jets, legs (it), pelts, races, rams, rips, rockets, rushes, rustles, shoots, speeds, tears, whirls, whisks, zips, zoomsnips, patters, scoots, scurries, scuttles, steps (along) ambles, saunters, shambles, shuffles, strollscrawls, creeps, dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, drags, lags, lingers, loiters, pokes, tarrieslumbers, plods, trudgeshobbles, limps |