例句 |
scannoun a close look at or over someone or something in order to judge conditiongave the car a good scan to see if it was worth buying audit, check, checkup, examination, going-over, inspection, look-see, review, scrutiny, survey, view analysis, assay, close-up, deconstruction, dissectionexploration, investigation, probe, research, studyinquisition, interrogationonce-over, perusalrecheck, reinspection, resurveyobservation, surveillance, watchcheckout, test-drive, trial run scanverbto look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)scanned the manuscript carefully for any overlooked errors audit, check (out), con, examine, inspect, overlook, oversee, review, scrutinize, survey, view notice, observe, watchcomb, peruse, pore (over)analyze, dissect, parsedelve (into), explore, investigate, plumb, probe, research, studycategorize, classifypick overreinspect, rereview, resurvey go over skimglance (at or over)miss v.scrutinize, scan, inspect, examine mean to look at or over.scrutinize stresses close attention to minute detail.scrutinized the hospital bill scan implies a surveying from point to point often suggesting a cursory overall observation.scanned the wine list inspect implies scrutinizing for errors or defects.inspected my credentials examine suggests a scrutiny in order to determine the nature, condition, or quality of a thing.examined the specimens in the 14th century |