例句 |
scathesverbpresent tense third-person singular of scathe to criticize harshly and usually publiclynewspaper cartoonists scathed the lecherous governor with a series of cruel caricatures abuses, assails, attacks, bashes, belabors, blasts, castigates, excoriates, jumps (on), lambastes(or lambasts), potshots, savages, slams, trashes, vituperates berates, harangues, harasses, harries, reviles, scolds, whipsblasphemes, curses, execrates, imprecates, profanesaffronts, insults, slursasperses, bad-mouths, belittles, blackguards, disparages, puts downlibels, slanders, traduces, vilifieschastises, chides, criticizes, laces (into), rebukes, reprimandsfulminates, lashes (out) beats up on, lights into, sails into, ties into acclaims, commends, compliments, hails, lauds, praises |