例句 |
scatteringsnounpl. of scattering an act or process in which something scatters or is scatteredthe scattering of the protesters suddenly turned violent and chaotic disbandments, dispersals, dispersions, dissipations diffusions, disseminationsbreakups, dissolutions, disunions, separations, splits assemblies, collections, concentrations, gatherings a small numbera scattering of people in the mostly empty theater couples, fews, handfuls(also handsful), scatters, smatterings, smatters, sprinkles, sprinklings minoritiesatoms, crumbs, fragments, grains, iotas, jots, modicums, molecules, particles, scraps, shreds, tittles, whits armies, crowds, flocks, gazillions, hordes, hosts, jillions, kazillions, legions, loads, many, mountains, multitudes, oodles, scads, thousands, zillions majorities, mostsabundances, excesses, plenties, surplusesdeals, gobs, heaps, lots, masses, much, pecks, piles, plenitudes, plenties, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, slathers, slews, stacks, wads, wealths |