例句 |
schedulenoun a listing of things to be presented or considered (as at a concert or play)the schedule of events for the conference agenda, calendar, docket, program, timetable card, dance card, exercises, platearrangement, order, ordering, organization, sequence, setup bill of fare a record of a series of items (as names or titles) usually arranged according to some systema schedule of arrivals and departures canon, catalog(or catalogue), checklist, list, listing, menu, register, registry, roll, roll call, roster, table agenda, bibliography, catalogue raisonné, compendium, compilation, directory, docket, enumeration, glossary, index, inventory, manifest, payrollcalendar, chronology, timetable scheduleverbto put (someone or something) on a listI've scheduled you for an appointment tomorrow catalog(or catalogue), enroll(also enrol), enter, index, inscribe, list, put down, record, register, slate book, card, file, noteclassify, compile, tabulate, tallyreschedule delete in the 14th century |