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uncultivatedadjective existing without human habitation or cultivationmiles of uncultivated land that had never been touched by a plow or an ax natural, untamed, virgin, wild nativeuninhabited, unpeopled, unsettledovergrown, spontaneous, untendedwasteundevelopeddesolate, forlorn, howling cultivated, tamed inhabiteddevelopedseminatural lacking in refinement or good tastean uncultivated and ignorant philistine who cared only about money coarse, common, crass, crude, gross, ill-bred, illiberal(archaic), incult, insensible, low, lowbred, lowbrow, raffish, rough, rough-hewn, roughneck, rude, rugged, tasteless, uncouth, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar boorish, churlish, cloddish, clownish, loutish, ungentlemanlyclumsy, lubberly, lumpish, oafishinconsiderate, indelicate, insensitive, thoughtlesscountrified(also countryfied), provincial, rustic(also rustical), unsophisticatedgraceless, inelegant, tackyanimallike, barbaric, barbarous, uncivilizedmannerless, unmannered, unmannerly civilized, cultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined, smooth, tasteful, ultrarefined, well-bred aristocratic, courtly, patricianelegant, graceful, restrainedconsiderate, gracious, sensitive, thoughtfulcitified, sophisticated, urbane not civilizedan uncultivated age when people lived just to meet their day-to-day needs barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, heathen, heathenish, natural, Neanderthal(or Neandertal), rude, savage, uncivil, uncivilized, wild coarse, crude, primitive, roughuncouth, uncultured civilized cultured, enlightened, humane, sophisticatedgenteel, polished, polite, refined, urbane, well-bredsemicivilized in 1646 |