

单词 mouths
例句 mouthsnounpl. of mouth

the opening through which food passes into the body of an animalthe baby chicks opened their mouths very wide and chirped piteously when their mother came back with worms

chops, gobs(chiefly British), kissers(slang), mugs, pieholes(or pie holes, slang), traps(slang), yaps(slang)

countenances, faces, pusses(slang), visagesmuzzlesjaws, mandibles, maxillae(or maxillas)gullets, maws

a twisting of the facial features in disgust or disapprovalthe boy usually makes a mouth when he gets an injection

faces, frowns, grimaces, lowers(also lours), moues, mows, mugs, pouts, scowls, snoots

flinches, squinches, wincesgrowls, snarlsrictuses, simpers, smirksscoffs, sneersglares, glowers, looks, stares

grins, laughs, smiles

a person who speaks for another or for a groupthe press secretary is the official mouth of the administration

mouthpieces, point men, point people, prophets, speakers, spokesmen, spokespeople

spokesmodels, spokeswomenfronts, promoters, shillscommunicators, sayers, talkersagents, ambassadors, delegates, emissaries, envoys, representatives

mouthsverbpresent tense third-person singular of mouth

to distort one's facewhen her mother told her to mind, the little girl mouthed insolently and rolled her eyes

grimaces, mugs

poutscontorts, deforms, twists, warpsfrowns, glares, glooms, glowers, lowers(also lours), scowlsgapes, gazes, ogles, staresgrowls, snarls, sneerssimpers, smirks

makes a face(or makes faces), pulls a face

beams, grins, smiles

to speak softly and unclearlythe prompter mouthed the forgotten words under his breath

chunters(British), grunts, mumbles, murmurs, mutters

babbles, blabs, chatters, drivels, gabbles, gibbers, jabbers, maunders, prattles, ramblesbreathes, gasps, pants, whispersbuzzes

speaks out, speaks up

articulates, enunciates





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