例句 |
blinkingverbpresent participle of blink to shine with light at regular intervalsshe loves to sit in the dark and watch the lights on the Christmas tree blink in ever-changing patterns flashing, twinkling, winking coruscating, flaring, flickering, glancing, glimmering, glinting, glistening, glistering, glittering, scintillating, shimmering, spangling, sparking, sparkling to rapidly open and close one's eyesI blinked for a few seconds after the camera flashed winking batting, flutteringsquinting to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control)for two days the nations stood on the brink of war, until one finally blinked bowing, budging, capitulating, conceding, giving in, knuckling under, quitting, relenting, submitting, succumbing, surrendering, yielding acquiescingdeferring saying uncle, throwing in the towel(also throwing in the sponge) resisting contending, fighting, holding offbattling, breasting, combating(or combatting), confronting, countering, defying, facing, meeting, objecting, opposing, repellingthwarting, withstanding to look long and hard in wonder or surprisestood blinking at the ridiculous scene before him in utter disbelief gaping, gawking, gawping(chiefly British), gazing, goggling, peering, rubbernecking, staring glaring, gloating, gloweringconsidering, eyeing(or eying), fixating, observing, regarding, watchingleering, oglingperusing, poring (over), studyingoutfacing, outstaring, staring down glancing, glimpsing, peeking, peepingbrowsing, dipping (into), scanningwinking (at) |