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blocksnounpl. of block a number of things considered as a unitbought a block of stocks arrays, assemblages, bands, banks, batches, batteries, bunches, clots, clumps, clusters, clutches, collections, constellations, groupings, groups, huddles, knots, lots, musters, packages, parcels, passels, sets, suites accumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerationsagglomerations, assortments, hodgepodges, jumbles, miscellanies, mixtures, odds and ends, sundries, varietiescycles, runs, series, suits the whole kit and caboodle entities, items, singles, units something that makes movement or progress difficultconstant bickering that is only a block to the completion of the project balks, bars, chains, clogs, cramps, crimps, deterrents, drags, embarrassments, encumbrances, fetters, handicaps, hindrances, holdbacks, hurdles, impediments, inhibitions, interferences, lets, manacles, obstacles, obstructions, shackles, stops, stumbling blocks, trammels catches, hitches, rubs, snagsbarriers, blockades, blockages, brick walls, stone wallsarrests, bits, brakes, checks, constraints, curbs, hobbles, reins, restraintsembargoes, stoppagesdelays, holdups, stallsburdens, cumbers, loadsdangers, hazards, perils, reefsadversities, difficulties, disadvantages, drawbacks, hardships catalysts, goads, impetuses, incentives, spurs, stimulants, stimuliadvantages, breaks, edgesaids, assistances, benefits, boosts, handmaidens(also handmaids), help slangthe upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouththreatened to knock the block off the jerk next door if he didn't can the noise beans, domes, heads, mazards(or mazzards, chiefly dialect), nobs, noddles, noggins, noodles, nuts(slang), pates, polls craniums(or crania), crowns, scalps, skullsocciputs(or occipita) a group of people acting together within a larger groupa more conservative block within the political party blocs, bodies, coalitions, factions, parties, sects, sets, sides, wings splinters, splitscrews, gangs, packs, teamsdenominations, persuasionsschisms, scissionscaucuses, movements an association of persons, parties, or states for mutual assistance and protectiona block of oil-producing nations alliances, axes, blocs, coalitions, combinations, combines, confederacies, confederations, federations, leagues, unions cabals, conspiracies, juntoscartels, syndicates, trustsfactions, fronts, fusions, sides, wingsassociations, groups, organizationsaffiliations, cooperatives, partnershipscircuits, conferences blocksverbpresent tense third-person singular of blockto close up so that no empty spaces remainblock up the opening in the wall where a window once was bungs, dams, fills, packs, plugs, stops, stuffs chokes, clogs, closes (off), clots, congests, jams, obstructs, occludescaulks(or calks), chinks, sealsrepacks, restuffs excavates, hollows (out), scoops (out), shovels to prevent passage through by filling with somethingone of the patient's arteries was so blocked with fatty deposits that blood flow had been reduced to a trickle chokes, clogs, clots, congests, dams, gums (up), jams, obstructs, occludes, plugs (up), stops (up), stuffs bungs, corks, spiles, stoppers, stopplesfills, gridlocks, packsfurs, siltsfloods, gluts, inundates, overwhelms, swamps clears, frees, opens (up), unblocks, unclogs, unplugs, unstops excavates, hollows (out), scoops (out)empties, lightens to stop, seize, or interrupt while in progress or on coursea thug suddenly stepped out of a doorway and blocked his escape down the alley intercepts, interdicts, picks off captures, catches, collars, corrals, grabs, seizes, snares, snatches, traps |