例句 |
blueprintsnounpl. of blueprint a method worked out in advance for achieving some objectivean ambitious young man with a remarkably detailed blueprint for becoming a millionaire by the age of 25 arrangements, designs, game plans, games, ground plans, master plans, plans, programs, projects, road maps, schemes, strategies, systems collusions, conspiracies, plotscontrivances, devices, gambits, maneuvers, ruses, stratagems, subterfuges, trickscounterplans, counterstrategies(or counter-strategies)means, tactics, techniques, waysprocedures, protocolsconceptions, ideas, projets, proposals, specifications, specificsaims, intentions, intents, purposesdiagrams, formulas(or formulae), layouts, maps, patterns, platforms, policies, recipes, setups blueprintsverbpresent tense third-person singular of blueprintto work out the details of (something) in advanceblueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail arranges, budgets, calculates, charts, choreographs, designs, frames, lays out, maps (out), organizes, plans, prepares, projects, schemes (out), shapes, strategizes (about) conspires, contrives, devises, intrigues, machinates, plots, puts upconcerts, gets updrafts, outlines, sketchesaims, figures, has on, intends, meanscontemplates, meditates, premeditates |