例句 |
schoolmarmsnounor schoolma'amspl. of schoolmarm US, old-fashioneda woman who teaches in a school in a small town or in the countryIn the movie, she plays a doting schoolmarm in colonial New England. headmistresses, instructresses, mistresses(chiefly British), schoolmistresseseducationists(chiefly British), educators, instructors, pedagogues(also pedagogs), preceptors, schoolteachers, teachersheadmasters, masters, rectors, schoolmasterscoaches, guides, gurus, preparers, trainersmentors, tutoresses, tutorsdrillmasters, inculcatorsdeans, docents, doctors, dons, professors, profs, regius professorsacademes, academicians, academics, didacts, pedantsgovernesses, homeschoolersinterns(also internes), practice teachers, readers, student teacherscatechists, lecturers, moralizers, preachers |