例句 |
scoopnoun a utensil with a bowl and a handle that is used especially in cooking and serving foodan ice cream scoop information not generally available to the publiccome on, I know you've got the scoop on their breakup 411(slang), book, dope, inside, lowdown, poop(slang), skinny(slang), tip dirt, dish, gossip, rumor, storyhint, pointerinformation, intelligence, news, tidings, word ancient history, open secret scoopverbto lift out with something that holds liquidscooped broth out of the pan with a spoon bucket, dip, lade, ladle, spoon baildeplete, drain, eliminate, empty, exhaustbleed, draw (off)dishslopdecant, draw, pump, siphon(also syphon), suction pourfill in the 14th century |