例句 |
scorchedverbpast tense of scorch to burn on the surfacethe picnickers kept scorching their marshmallows, deliberately sticking their skewers into the licking flames of the campfire to make dryweeks of drought had badly scorched the soil dehydrated, desiccated, dried, parched, seared dehumidifieddrainedevaporatedmummified, shriveled(or shrivelled), withered, wizenedair-dried, baked hydrated, washed, watered, wet(or wetted) bathed, deluged, doused(also dowsed), drenched, drowned, flooded, inundated, overflowed, saturated, soaked, sopped, soused, waterloggeddamped, dampened, humidified, moistenedrehydrateddipped, dunked, submerged, swamped in 1566 |