例句 |
scramblesnounpl. of scramble an unorganized collection or mixture of various thingsa scramble of pens and pencils in the desk drawer agglomerates, agglomerations, alphabet soups, assortments, botches, clutters, collages, crazy quilts, farragoes, gallimaufries, grab bags, gumbos, hashes, hodgepodges, hotchpotches, jambalayas, jumbles, jungles, litters, macédoines, medleys, mélanges, menageries, miscellanea, miscellanies, mishmashes, mixed bags, montages, motleys, muddles, olios, olla podridas(also ollas podridas), omnium-gatherums, pastiches, patchwork quilts, patchworks, potpourris, ragbags, ragouts, rummages, salads, salmagundis, shuffles, smorgasbords, stews, tumbles, varieties, welters detritus, notions, oddments, odds and ends, sundriesaccumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerates, conglomerationscatchallsadmixtures, alloys, amalgams, blends, combinations, commixtures, composites, compounds, fusions, intermixtures, mix-upsbollixes, chaoses, confusions, disarrangements, disarrays, disorders, dog's breakfasts(chiefly British), messes, morasses, muddles, shamblesimbroglios, knots, snarls, tangles scramblesverbpresent tense third-person singular of scrambleto move (as up or over something) often with the help of the hands in holding or pullingthe toddler scrambled up the stairs clambers, climbs, scrabbles, swarms shimmies, shinnies, shins, skinsascends, breasts(chiefly British), free-climbs, gets up, mounts, scales, summits, surmountsclaws, sprawls, struggles to undo the proper order or arrangement ofscrambled the letters of the word confuses, deranges, disarranges, disarrays, discomposes, dishevels, disjoints, dislocates, disorders, disorganizes, disrupts, disturbs, hashes, jumbles, messes (up), mixes (up), muddles, musses, rumples, shuffles, tousles, tumbles, upsets embroils, entangles, snarls, tanglesagitates, perturbs, stirs (up), unsettlesclutters arranges, arrays, disposes, draws up, marshals(also marshalls), orders, organizes, ranges, regulates, straightens (up), tidies aligns(also alines), lines, lines up, queuesclassifies, codifies, methodizes, systematizes, systemizesadjusts, fixesgrooms, makes up, spruces (up)unscrambles |