例句 |
foundationsnounpl. of foundation a public organization with a particular purpose or functiondonated to a foundation that supported cancer research establishments, institutes, institutions bodies, collectives, groupscorporations, enterprisescharities, philanthropiesthink tanks an immaterial thing upon which something else restsshe had a good enough foundation in math to pursue an economics degree bases, bases, bedrocks, bottoms, cornerstones, footings, grounds, groundworks, keystones, roots, underpinnings, warp and woofs, warps anchorages, beds, braces, bulwarks, buttresses, frameworks, infrastructures, mounts, props, shores, stays, substrata, substructures, supportsassumptions, justifications, premises(also premisses), presumptions, presuppositions, rationales, suppositions, theories, theses, warrantsbackbones, centers, cores, cornerstones, eyes, foci(also focuses), hearts, hubs, kernels, keystones, nuclei(also nucleuses), seatsessences, quintessences, souls, touchstones |