例句 |
fracasnoun a physical dispute between opposing individuals or groupsthe police broke up the fracas in the bar and threw both combatants in the lockup battle, clash, combat, conflict, contest, dustup, fight, fray, hassle, scrap, scrimmage, scrum, scuffle, skirmish, struggle, tussle pitched battle, rough-and-tumbleaffray(chiefly British), battle royal, brawl, broil, donnybrook, free-for-all, melee(also mêlée), mix-up, ruckus, ructionblows, fistfight, fisticuffs, grapple, handgrips, punch-out, punch-up(chiefly British), slugfestconfrontation, duel, face-off, joustaltercation, argle-bargle(chiefly British), argument, argy-bargy(chiefly British), contretemps, controversy, cross fire, disagreement, dispute, falling-out, kickup, misunderstanding, quarrel, row, spat, squabble, tangle, tiff, wranglecatfight truce a rough and often noisy fight usually involving several peoplepolice preparing for any fracas that might follow the soccer game affray(chiefly British), brawl, broil, donnybrook, fray, free-for-all, melee(also mêlée), rough-and-tumble, row, ruckus, ruction battle, clash, combat, conflict, contest, fisticuffs, handgrips, hassle, scrap, scrimmage, scuffle, skirmish, struggle, tusslehorseplay, roughhousingaltercation, argument, dispute, kickup, quarrel, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle in 1716 |