例句 |
fractureverb to cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forciblyfractured his arm in the fall break, break up, bust, disintegrate, dismember, disrupt, fragment, rive atomize, crush, grind, powder, pulverize, reduceblast, blow up, burst, detonate, explodecrack, pop, shatter, shiver, smashchip, sliver, splinter, splitimplodedestroy, ruin, wreck doctor, fix, heal, mend, patch, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, renovate, repair to fail to keepcivil liberties that have been fractured by the government's actions breach, break, contravene, infringe (on or upon), offend, traduce, transgress, violate disobey, rebelblow off, brush (off), disregard, flout, ignore, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, slight, tune out, wink (at)dismiss, pooh-pooh(also pooh), scorn, shrug offdefy, resist, withstand comply (with), conform (to), follow, mind, obey, observe defer (to), serve, submit (to), surrender (to), yield (to)attend, hear, heed, listen (to), mark, note, notice, regard, watch in the 15th century |