例句 |
fracturesverbpresent tense third-person singular of fracture to cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forciblyfractured his arm in the fall breaks, breaks up, busts, disintegrates, dismembers, disrupts, fragments, rives atomizes, crushes, grinds, powders, pulverizes, reducesblasts, blows up, bursts, detonates, explodescracks, pops, shatters, shivers, smasheschips, slivers, splinters, splitsimplodesdestroys, ruins, wrecks doctors, fixes, heals, mends, patches, rebuilds, reconditions, reconstructs, renovates, repairs to fail to keepcivil liberties that have been fractured by the government's actions breaches, breaks, contravenes, infringes (on or upon), offends, traduces, transgresses, violates disobeys, rebelsblows off, brushes (off), disregards, flouts, ignores, neglects, overlooks, overpasses, passes over, slights, tunes out, winks (at)dismisses, pooh-poohs(also poohs), scorns, shrugs offdefies, resists, withstands complies (with), conforms (to), follows, minds, obeys, observes defers (to), serves, submits (to), surrenders (to), yields (to)attends, hears, heeds, listens (to), marks, notes, notices, regards, watches |