例句 |
scratch (out)verb to compose and set down on paper the words ofscratched out a poem for his beloved wife on the home front author, pen, scribble, write cast, compose, craft, draft, draw up, formulate, frame, preparerecast, redraft, revise, rewriteletter, print, type, typewriterecord, take down, transcribeautograph, pencil (in), register, signcouch, express, phrase, put, word to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through itscratched out the old phone number and wrote in the new one blue-pencil, cancel, cross (out), dele, delete, edit (out), elide, kill, strike (out), stroke (out), x (out) blot out, efface, eradicate, erase, expunge, obliterate, root (out), rub out, wipe outbleep, blip, clip, cut, excise, removebowdlerize, censor, clean (up), expurgate, launder, redact, red-pencilabbreviate, crop, shortenblack out, repress, silence, suppress stet |