例句 |
screwsverbpresent tense third-person singular of screw to twist (something) out of a natural or normal shape or conditionscrewed up his face at the taste of the medicine contorts, deforms, distorts, misshapes, squinches, tortures, warps defaces, disfigureswrenches, wrests, wringscoils, curls, loops, spirals, twines, winds, wreathes straightens, unbends, uncurls to rob by the use of trickery or threatsmanaged to screw his siblings out of their share of the inheritance beats, bilks, bleeds, cheats, chisels, chouses, cons, cozens, defrauds, diddles, does, does in, euchres, fiddles, fleeces, flimflams, gaffs, gyps, hoses(slang), hustles, mulcts, nobbles(British slang), plucks, reams, rips off, rooks, shakes down, shortchanges, shorts, skins, skunks, squeezes, sticks, stiffs, stings, suckers, swindles, thimblerigs, victimizes extorts, wrenches, wrests, wringsclips, gouges, nicks, overcharges, soaksexploits, milksdeceives, dupes, fools, gulls, tricksropes (in)betrays, bitches, double-crossesbamboozles, fast-talks sells a bill of goods to, takes for a ride, takes to the cleaners |