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muscularadjective marked by a well-developed musculatureOlympic runners tend to have very muscular legs brawny, sinewy wirypowerful, strongbeefy, burly, hefty, hulking, huskyable-bodied, athletic, herculean, mighty, robust, rugged, stalwart, stout, strapping, sturdymuscle-boundsculpted scrawny, skinny nonathleticdebilitated, delicate, effete, enervated, enfeebled, feeble, fragile, frail, weak, weakened, weakly, wimpylight, lightweight, slightlean, slender, slim, svelte, sylphlike, thin, willowyemaciated, gaunt, lank, rawboned, scraggy, spare having muscles capable of exerting great physical forcea muscular superhero who can easily lift a ton or more brawny, rugged, sinewy, stalwart, stout, strong forceful, forcible, mighty, potent, powerful, puissantable-bodied, athletic, fit, trimbeefy, burly, husky, strappingmasculine, virilehard, inured, strengthened, sturdy, tough, toughenedenergetic, energized, invigorated, lusty, red-blooded, robust, vigorous, vitalizedhale, healthy, hearty, sound delicate, feeble, frail, weak, weakling, wimpy challenged, disabled, incapacitated, paralyzedimpotent, powerlesspuny, slight, small, unathletic, unfit, unhealthy marked by or uttered with forcefulnessa presidential speech that promises to be a muscular enunciation of the nation's foreign policy aggressive, assertive, dynamic, emphatic, energetic, forceful, full-blooded, resounding, strenuous, vehement, vigorous, violent decided, insistent, marked, pointedabsolute, categorical(also categoric), clear, plain, unambiguous, unequivocalarresting, compelling, conspicuous, impelling, noticeable, striking nonassertive, nonemphatic, unemphatic guarded, mild, uncompelling, weak, wishy-washyambiguous, equivocal, halting, hesitantunderstated having an abundance of some characteristic quality (as flavor)a muscular red wine that goes especially well with beef big, concentrated, full, full-bodied, heady, lusty, plush, potent, rich, robust, strong heavystraight, undiluted, unmixedhigh-octane, high-testenriched, fortified delicate, light, mild, thin, thinned, weak, weakened dilute, diluted, watered-down, watery in 1670 |