例句 |
musketsnounpl. of musket a type of long gun that was used by soldiers before the invention of the rifle blunderbusses, breechloaders, culverins, fieldpieces, firelocks, flintlocks, harquebuses(or arquebuses), matchlocks, shotguns, smoothbores, twenty-twos(or .22s)arms, firearms, heat(slang), pieces, small armsderringers, forty-fives(or .45s), gats(slang), handguns, pistols, revolvers, rods(slang), roscoes(slang), sidearms, six-guns, six-shooters, zip gunsself-loaders, semiautomaticsAK-47s, assault rifles, assault weapons, automatics, carbines, machine guns, machine pistols, repeaters, submachine guns, tommy gunsspearguns |