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bogusadjective being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materialsfor that price, you're only going to get furniture covered in bogus leather and not the real stuff artificial, dummy, ersatz, factitious, fake, false, faux, imitation, imitative, man-made, mimic, mock, pretend, sham, simulated, substitute, synthetic cultured, manufactured, processunauthenticadulterated, designer, doctored, engineered, fudged, juggled, manipulated, tampered (with)concocted, fabricatedcounterfeit, deceptive, forged, fraudulent, misleading, phony(also phoney)affected, brummagem, feigned, pinchbeck, pseudo, spurious genuine, natural, real authentic, bona fide, legitimate, truepremium, quality, valuablepure, unadulterated being such in appearance only and made or manufactured with the intention of committing fraudthe "designer" watches sold on the street are usually bogus counterfeit, fake, false, forged, inauthentic, phony(also phoney), queer, sham, snide, spurious, unauthentic artificial, factitious, imitation, man-made, mimic, mock, simulated, substitute, syntheticdummy, nonfunctioning, ornamentalcultured, fabricated, manufactureddeceptive, delusive, misleading authentic, bona fide, genuine, real, unfaked naturalactual, true, valid lacking in natural or spontaneous qualitythere was often a lot of bogus conviviality at the company's parties affected, artificial, assumed, contrived, factitious, fake, false, feigned, forced, mechanical, mock, phony(also phoney), plastic, pretended, pseudo, put-on, sham, simulated, spurious, strained, unnatural automatic, canned, concocted, fabricated, hokey, labored, manufactured, pat, unauthentic, unreal, unrealisticdouble-dealing, empty, facile, hollow, hypocritical, insincere, left-handed, mealy, mealymouthed, two-faced, unctuousexaggerated, histrionic, melodramatic, overacted, overdone, theatrical(also theatric)cute, cutesy, genteel, goody-goody, mincing, overrefined, simperingconventional, formal, impersonal, inflexible, rigid, stiff, stylized, woodenartful, calculated, conscious, cultivated, deliberate, premeditated, studied artless, genuine, natural, spontaneous, unaffected, uncontrived, unfeigned, unforced authentic, bona fide, real, realistic, right, truehonest, ingenuous, sincere, unpretendingeasy, effortless, smoothextemporaneous, impromptu, impulsive, instinctive, unconscious, unprompted, unrehearsed, unstudied in 1825 |