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understoodverbpast tense of understand to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and informationas I understand it, this is the best plan that we have concluded, decided, deduced, derived, extrapolated, gathered, inferred, judged, made out, reasoned assumed, supposedconjectured, guessed, speculated, surmisedconstrued, interpreted, readcontemplated, philosophized, rationalized, thoughtascertained, doped (out), found out drew a conclusion to have a practical understanding ofI think I understand how an engine works now comprehended, grasped, knew appreciated, apprehended, cognized, fathomed, followed, kenned(chiefly Scottish), perceived, savviedhad, possessedcaught on (to), picked up misapprehended, misconceived, misinterpreted, misknew, misperceived, misunderstood to have a clear idea ofafter a few weeks in Russia I began to understand the language a little bit appreciated, apprehended, assimilated, beheld, caught, caught on (to), cognized, compassed, comprehended, conceived, cottoned (to or on to), deciphered, decoded, discerned, dug, got, grasped, grokked, intuited, knew, made, made out, perceived, recognized, registered, savvied, saw, seized, sensed, tumbled (to), twigged absorbed, digested, took inrealizedfathomed, penetrated, pierced picked up on missed misapprehended, misconceived, misconstrued, misinterpreted, misperceived, misread, mistook, misunderstood in 1605 |