例句 |
fragrantadjective having a pleasant smellthe balsam fir is a favorite as a Christmas tree because it is so fragrant ambrosial, aromatic, perfumed, redolent, savory(also savoury), scented, sweet flowery, fruity, pungent, spicyodiferous, odored, odoriferous, odorousclean, fresh, pure fetid, foul, malodorous, noisome, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, reeky, skunky, smelly, stenchful, stenchy, stinking, stinky, strong odorless, unscentedfusty, musty, stalegamy(or gamey) odorous, fragrant, redolent, aromatic mean emitting and diffusing scent.odorous applies to whatever has a strong distinctive smell whether pleasant or unpleasant.odorous cheeses should be tightly wrapped fragrant applies to things (such as flowers or spices) with sweet or agreeable odors.a fragrant rose redolent applies usually to a place or thing impregnated with odors.the kitchen was redolent of garlic and tomatoes aromatic applies to things emitting pungent often fresh odors.an aromatic blend of tobaccos in the 15th century |