例句 |
frailnessnoun the quality or state of lacking physical strength or vigorhis frailness prevented him from playing football asthenia, debilitation, debility, delicacy, enervation, enfeeblement, faintness, feebleness, fragility, frailty, infirmity, languidness, languor, listlessness, lowness, weakness, wimpiness decay, decrepitudebreakdown, collapse, prostrationexhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, wearinessdefenselessness, helplessness, impotence, impuissance, powerlessnesseffeteness, softness, tendernessdisablement, incapacitation, invalidismdamage, harm, hurt, impairment, injury hardihood, hardiness, robustness, strength, vigor energy, vitalitybrawniness, fitness, heftiness, huskiness, lustiness, muscularity, virilityhardness, ruggedness, stoutness, sturdiness, toughnesshealth, healthiness, soundness, wellness the quality or state of lacking strength of will or characterdon't take advantage of your younger sister's frailness of character and get her to lie for you frailty, softness, spinelessness, weakness, wimpiness, wimpishness, wishy-washiness collapsefailing, flaw, foible, peccadilloevil, immorality, wickednesscorruption, corruptness backbone, chutzpah(also chutzpa or hutzpah or hutzpa), firmness, fortitude, hardihood, mettle, moxie, nerve, resoluteness, strength, toughness discipline, self-disciplinegoodness, integrity, morality, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtuousness |