例句 |
framesnounpl. of frame the arrangement of parts that gives something its basic formnow that the frame has been built, we have a better idea of the size of our new house architectures, armatures, cadres, configurations, edifices, fabrics, frameworks, framings, infrastructures, shells, skeletons, structures cages, lattices, networkscontours, figures, outlines, profiles, shapes, silhouetteschassis the type of body that a person hasa tall man with a big frame builds, constitutions, figures, forms, habits, physiques, shapes anatomies, structures the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of somethinga white curtain with a blue frame borderlines, borders, boundaries, bounds, brims, circumferences, compasses, confines, edges, edgings, ends, fringes, hems, margins, perimeters, peripheries, rims, skirtings, skirts, verges ambitsbrinks, crests, curbs, cusps, lipsceilings, maxima(or maximums)demarcations, extents, limitations, measures, meres, restrictions, terminationsborderlands, frontiers, marches, outskirts, pales, selvageslapsshores centers, cores, heartsinners, insides, interiors, middles, withins framesverbpresent tense third-person singular of frameto bring into being by combining, shaping, or transforming materialsframed a unique coffee table from an old, discarded chest of drawers fabricates, fashions, forms, makes, manufactures, produces assembles, builds, constructs, erects, makes up, puts up, raises, rears, sets up, structures, throws upcrafts, handcraftshewsforges, molds, shapescobbles (together or up), knocks out, patches (together), throws upprefabricatescreates, invents, mints, originatesestablishes, fathers, institutes, organizesconcocts, contrives, cooks (up), designs, devises, imagines, thinks (up)conceives, envisages, pictures, visualizesrefashions, remakes, remanufactures puts together disassembles, dismantles, takes apartbreaks up, dismembersabolishes, annihilates, demolishes, destroys, devastates, eradicates, exterminates, extinguishes, flattens, pulverizes, razes, ruins, shatters, smashes, wrecksblows up, explodes to plan out usually with subtle skill or carea composer framing the structure of a song contrives, engineers, finagles, finesses, machinates, maneuvers, manipulates, masterminds, negotiates, wangles arranges, concerts, concludes, hammers out, works outangles (for), compasses, intrigues, plots, schemesconnivesbrews, concocts, cooks (up), hatchescaptains, commands, conducts, directs, handles, manages, quarterbacks, runsgerrymanders blows, bobbles, botches, bungles, butchers, flubs, fumbles, gums (up), louses up, mangles, messes (up), mishandles, muffs to put (something) into proper and usually carefully worked out written formyou'll need to frame your argument well if you're going to win the debate casts, composes, crafts, drafts, draws up, formulates, prepares fabricates, fashions, forms, molds, sculptures, shapescouches, expresses, phrases, states, verbalizes, wordsauthors, indites, pens, writesconceives, concocts, devisesbuilds, constructs, makesassembles, compounds, pieces (together)redrafts, reformulates, reframes puts together to work out the details of (something) in advanceframed a schedule for the project arranges, blueprints, budgets, calculates, charts, choreographs, designs, lays out, maps (out), organizes, plans, prepares, projects, schemes (out), shapes, strategizes (about) conspires, contrives, devises, intrigues, machinates, plots, puts upconcerts, gets updrafts, outlines, sketchesaims, figures, has on, intends, meanscontemplates, meditates, premeditates to serve as a border fortrees framed the walkway borders, bounds, edges, fringes, margins, rims, skirts hems, trimscircumscribes, defines, delineates, demarcates, outlines, silhouettes, sketches, tracescircles, compasses, encircles, encloses(also incloses), environs, girdles, girths, loops, rings, rounds, surrounds, wallschecks, confines, controls, curbs, limits, restrains, restricts |