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toweringadjective extending to a great distance upwardthe towering mountain peaks of the Rockies altitudinous, high, lofty, tall dominant, dominating, eminent, prominentelevated, lifted, raised, uplifted, upswepthigh-rise, statuesque low, low-lying, short, squat flat, stubby, stumpy going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amountdoting parents who tend to give their children towering praise for very minor accomplishments baroque, devilish, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, fancy, immoderate, inordinate, insane, intolerable, lavish, overdue, overextravagant, overmuch, overweening, plethoric, steep, stiff, unconscionable, undue, unmerciful boundless, endless, immeasurable, infinite, limitlessunbearable, unjustifiable, unwarrantedimproper, inappropriate, thick, unseemlyunrestrained a bit much, over the top middling, moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate deficient, inadequate, insufficientminimal, minimum very dignified in form, tone, or stylean article that in towering language decries the evils of modern society elevated, eloquent, formal, high-flown, lofty, majestic, stately affected, bombastic, declamatory, florid, flowery, grandiloquent, grandiose, highfalutin(also hifalutin), oratorical, pompous, pretentious, rhetorical(also rhetoric), stiltedAttic, cultured, refinedclassy, courtly, fine, graceful, tastefularistocratic, genteel, patriciancorrect, educated, grammatical, properacademic(also academical), bookish, learned, literary ineloquent, low, undignified casual, colloquial, conversational, informal, nonformal, slangy, unbookish, unliterary, vernacularcoarse, common, crass, crude, gross, ill-bred, indecent, lowbred, lowbrow, rough, rough-hewn, rude, tasteless, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgarincorrect, substandard, uneducated, ungrammatical, unlearned in 1592 |