例句 |
boobsnounpl. of boobBritish an unintentional departure from truth or accuracymade an embarrassing boob on a chat show that had all of London laughing blunders, bobbles, boo-boos, bricks, clangers(British), clinkers, errors, faults, flubs, fluffs, fumbles, gaffes, gaffs, goofs, inaccuracies, lapses, miscues, missteps, mistakes, oversights, screwups, slips, slipups, stumbles, trips bloomers, bloopers, boners, howlers, pratfallsfoul-ups, snafusmisapprehensions, miscalculations, miscomprehensions, misconceptions, misconstructions, miscues, misdescriptions, misimpressions, misinterpretations, misjudgments, misreadings, misstatements, misunderstandings accuracies, exactitudes, precisionsinerrancies, infallibilities, perfections boobsverbpresent tense third-person singular of boobBritishto make a mistakeit was an important speech, and the prime minister knew that he could not afford to boob on it blunders, errs, flubs, fluffs, fouls up, fumbles, goofs (up), louses up, messes (up), screws up, slips up, stumbles, trips nodsbobbles, botches, bungles, butchers, foozles, mangles, mishandles, muffs, murdersmiscalculates, misconceives, miscounts, miscues, misdeems, misgauges, misjudges, mistakesmisconstrues, misinterprets, misunderstands drops the ball, lays an egg |