例句 |
tower (over)verb to be greater, better, or stronger thanthat actor's performance towered over all others in the film beat, better, eclipse, exceed, excel, outclass, outdistance, outdo, outgun, outmatch, outshine, outstrip, overtop, surpass, top, transcend one-up, outpace, outrace, outrun, overpassbest, clobber, conquer, crush, defeat, drub, lick, master, outcompete, outperform, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), rout, shame, skunk, subdue, surmount, thrash, trim, triumph (over), trounce, wallop, whip, win (against), worstoutbalance, outweigh, overbear, overshadow, trump go one better, run circles around(or run rings around) lose (to) |