例句 |
boreverb1 to make a hole or series of holes insome woodpecker bored holes in our tree in the backyard drill, hole, perforate, pierce, punch, puncture, riddle broach, tappoke, prick, pricklepenetrateburrow (into), excavate, gouge, groove, hollowbreak, cut, gash, notch, rend, rupture, slash, slit, split fill, patch, plug, seal to force one's waywith some effort, she bored through the throng of yelling protestors bull, bulldoze, crash, elbow, jam, jostle, muscle, press, push, shoulder, squeeze ram, shove, thrust boreverb2to make weary and restless by being dull or monotonousthe professor's lifeless and unimaginative teaching style bored the students to death jade, tire, weary pallburn out, do in, drain, enervate, exhaust, fag, fatigue, tucker (out), wash out, wear, wear outdebilitate, disable, enfeebledeject, demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dispirit put to sleep absorb, busy, engage, engross, enthrall(or enthral), fascinate, grip, interest, intrigue activate, animate, energize, enliven, excite, galvanize, invigorate, stimulate, strengthen, vitalizeamuse, entertainallure, attract, beguile, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, hypnotize, mesmerizemonopolize, preoccupybusy, immerse, involve, occupypump up, rally, rouse, stir borenounsomeone or something boringfor once, the graduation speaker wasn't a real bore drag, drip, droner, dullsville, nudnik(also nudnick), snooze, snoozer, yawn, yawner bummer, downerbromide, pill blast, gas(slang), kick, rush, upper before the 12th century |