例句 |
botchesnounpl. of botch an unorganized collection or mixture of various thingsthis police procedural is basically a botch of plot elements stolen from other (and better) novels agglomerates, agglomerations, alphabet soups, assortments, clutters, collages, crazy quilts, farragoes, gallimaufries, grab bags, gumbos, hashes, hodgepodges, hotchpotches, jambalayas, jumbles, jungles, litters, macédoines, medleys, mélanges, menageries, miscellanea, miscellanies, mishmashes, mixed bags, montages, motleys, muddles, olios, olla podridas(also ollas podridas), omnium-gatherums, pastiches, patchwork quilts, patchworks, potpourris, ragbags, ragouts, rummages, salads, salmagundis, scrambles, shuffles, smorgasbords, stews, tumbles, varieties, welters detritus, notions, oddments, odds and ends, sundriesaccumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerates, conglomerationscatchallsadmixtures, alloys, amalgams, blends, combinations, commixtures, composites, compounds, fusions, intermixtures, mix-upsbollixes, chaoses, confusions, disarrangements, disarrays, disorders, dog's breakfasts(chiefly British), messes, morasses, muddles, shamblesimbroglios, knots, snarls, tangles botchesverbpresent tense third-person singular of botchto make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful waythe first time we tried to make a cake, we botched the job completely blows, bobbles, boggles, bollixes (up), boots, buggers (up), bumbles, bungles, butchers, dubs, flubs, fluffs, foozles, fouls up, fumbles, goofs (up), louses up, mangles, messes (up), mucks up, muffs, murders, screws up blunders, gums (up), muddles, pifflesblemishes, blights, damages, flaws, harms, hurts, impairs, injures, mars, mutilates, ruins, spoils, vitiatesdestroys, wrecksmishandles, mismanages ameliorates, betters, enhances, helps, improves, meliorates, rectifies, refines, reforms, remediesdoctors, fixes, patches, reconditions, renovates, repairs, revamps |