例句 |
artlesslyadverb without any attempt to impress by deception or exaggerationartlessly commented that the dress looked good informed his host rather artlessly that the food was okay but not fantastic guilelessly, ingenuously, innocently, naively(or naïvely), naturally, sincerely, unaffectedly, unfeignedly, unpretentiously genuinely, honestly, simply, trulyfreely, openheartedly, openlycandidly, frankly, matter-of-factlycasually, coolly(also cooly), nonchalantlyinformally, relaxedly, unceremoniously affectedly, artificially, hypocritically, insincerely, pretentiously, unnaturally artfully, cannily, deceitfully, deceptively, deviously, dishonestly, falselyarchly, calculatingly, craftily, cunningly, furtively, insidiously, sharply, shiftily, slickly, slyly(also slily), underhand, underhanded, underhandedlyflatteringly, sycophantically, unctuously |