

单词 nastiness
例句 nastinessnoun

the desire to cause pain for the satisfaction of doing harmthere was a natural nastiness about him that was evident from the time he was a small child

cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignance, malignancy, malignity, meanness, spite, spitefulness, spleen, venom, viciousness

abusiveness, crueltyabhorrence, abomination, execration, hate, hatred, loathinganimosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, grudge, hostility, ill will, jaundice, mean-spiritedness, rancor, resentmentdespicableness, invidiousnessvengefulness, vindictivenessaversion, disgust, distaste, horror, repugnance, repulsion, revulsionbitchery, bitchiness, contempt, disdainjealousy, pique, resentment, scornbile, rancor, virulence, vitriol

devotion, love, passionamiability, amicability, amity, civility, cordiality, friendliness, hospitalityadoration, ardor, infatuation, veneration, worshipaffection, charity, kindliness, kindnesscomity, empathy, friendship, goodwill, sympathy, understanding

the quality or state of being obscenethe nastiness of the graffiti required that the school remove it immediately

bawdiness, blueness, coarseness, crudeness, crudity, dirt, dirtiness, filth, filthiness, foulness, grossness, impureness, impurity, indecency, lasciviousness, lewdness, obscenity, profanity, raunch, raunchiness, ribaldry, smut, smuttiness, vulgarity, wantonness

broadness, earthiness, gaminess, raciness, saltiness, suggestivenessimmodesty, indecorousness, indelicacy, indelicateness, lowness, unbecomingnesslecherydepravedness, depravity, kinkiness, naughtiness, perverseness, perversion, perversity, pervertedness, wickednessexceptionability, objectionableness, unacceptability, undesirabilityreprehensibility, reprehensiblenessabusiveness, scurrilousnessatrociousness, atrocity, infamy, loathsomeness, offensiveness, repellency, repugnance, repulsivenessdistastefulness, obnoxiousness, unpleasantness

priggery, priggishness, primness, prudery, prudishness, puritanismcorrectness, decency, decorousness, decorum, seemlinessappropriateness, fitness, suitability, suitablenessperfection, purity, spotlessness

the state or quality of being dirtythe piles of rotting food in the kitchen were only one element in the apartment's general impression of appalling nastiness

blackness, dinge, dinginess, dirtiness, dustiness, filthiness, foulness, griminess, grubbiness, smuttiness, soilage, sordidness, squalidness, uncleanliness, uncleanness

discoloration, stainingimpureness, impuritymessiness, mussiness, sloppiness, untidinessinsanitation, squalormuddiness, sootiness

cleanliness, spotlessness






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