例句 |
nationsnounpl. of nation a body of people composed of one or more nationalities usually with its own territory and governmentthe American people became one nation when they adopted the Constitution in 1789 commonwealths, countries, lands, sovereignties(also sovranties), states city-states, microstates, ministates, nation-statesdomains, dominions, empires, kingdoms, realms, republicsduchies, dukedoms, emirates, principalities, seigniories(or seignories), sultanatesdemocracies, dictatorships, monarchies, monocracies, oligarchies, sovereigns(also sovrans), theocraciesclient states, colonies, condominiums(also condominia), dependencies, mandates, provinces, settlements, soil, trust territoriesfatherlands, homelands, motherlandsgreat powers, powers, sea powers, superpowers, world powerswelfare states a people having a common language, culture, and body of traditionsan international organization dedicated to upholding the basic human rights of people from all nations ethnicities, nationalities, races minoritiesclans, families, folk(or folks), houses, kindreds, tribes |