例句 |
necknoun a broad geographical areawe're going to be in your neck of the woods in July, so maybe we can get together then belt, corridor, land, part(s), region, tract, zone district, domain, latitude(s), range, realm, terrain, territoryneighborhood, vicinity a narrow body of water between two land massesonly a narrow neck of the South China Sea separates Taiwan from mainland China channel, narrows, sound, strait arm, bay, gulf, inletroads, roadsteadreach, stretch a very small distance or degreefor most of the race he trailed the leader by only a neck ace, hair, hairbreadth(or hairsbreadth), hairline, hop, skip, and jump, inch, shouting distance, step, stone's throw bit, crumb, dab, iota, jot, minim, mite, particle, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), trace, trifle country mile, long haul, mile infinity, light-year before the 12th century |