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neglectnoun the state of being unattended to or not cared forfor years the barn sat in neglect until one day it finally fell down desolation, dilapidation, disrepair, seediness inattention, negligenceabandonment, desertiondecay, decrepitude, dereliction, deterioration, disintegration, dumpiness, ruin, ruination keeping, repair conservation, preservation, upkeep the nonperformance of an assigned or expected actionyour ongoing neglect of your health is going to land you in the hospital someday default, delinquency, dereliction, failure, misprision, negligence, nonfeasance, oversight carelessness, heedlessness, inadvertence, inadvertency, laxity compliance, discharge, fulfillment(or fulfilment) neglectverbto fail to give proper attention toas usual the news media neglected the real issues of the campaign and focused on personalities bypass, disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, overpass, pass over, slight, slur (over) failmiss, omitbrush (aside or off), reject, shrug off, slough (off)also sluff (off)disdain, pooh-pooh(also pooh), scornscant, skimp attend (to), heed, mind, regard, tend (to) appreciate, cherish, prize, treasure, valuecultivate, foster, nurse, nurturepamperrememberlisten (to), watchfollow, mark, note, notice, observe, remark to leave undone or unattended to especially through carelessnessI've neglected my garden, and now it's overgrown with weeds forget, shirk slack (off) attend (to), remember carry out, do, execute, performaccomplish, achievekeep up, maintain to miss the opportunity or obligationconveniently, the job applicant neglected to mention his criminal record fail, forget, omit disregard, ignore, overlook, overpass, pass over, pretermit, slightslide, slipdefaultskip miss out on heed, mind, rememberkeep, observecarry out, do, execute, perform, practice(also practise)discharge, fulfill(or fulfil), meet, satisfycomply (with) v.neglect, disregard, ignore, overlook, slight, forget mean to pass over without giving due attention.neglect implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one's attention.habitually neglected his studies disregard suggests voluntary inattention.disregarded the wishes of his family ignore implies a failure to regard something obvious.ignored the snide remark overlook suggests disregarding or ignoring through haste or lack of care.in my rush I overlooked a key example slight implies contemptuous or disdainful disregarding or omitting.slighted several major authors in her survey forget may suggest either a willful ignoring or a failure to impress something on one's mind.forget what others say in 1529 |