例句 |
neglectfulnessnoun failure to take the care that a cautious person usually takesas a result of the mother's chronic neglectfulness of their welfare, the children were placed in foster care carelessness, dereliction, heedlessness, incaution, incautiousness, laxness, negligence, remissness, slackness foolhardiness, rashness, recklessness, wildnessneglect, omissiondelinquency, irresponsibility, irresponsibleness, malfeasance, malpractice, misconductmisdirection, mishandling, mismanagementforgetfulness, inadvertence, inadvertency, inattention, inattentiveness, obliviousness, shortsightedness, unwariness care, carefulness, caution, cautiousness, heedfulness alertness, attention, attentiveness, awarenesscircumspection, observance, vigilance, watchfulnessresponsibility, responsibleness |