例句 |
scrivenersnounpl. of scrivener a person who creates a written workthe roomful of unsung scriveners that it takes to churn out a weekly sitcom authors, litterateurs(or littérateurs), penmen, pens, scribes, writers auteurs, belletrists(also belle-lettrists), stylists, wordsmithscoauthors(or co-authors), coscenarists(or co-scenarists), cowriters(or co-writers)ghostwriters, hacks, hatchet men, scribblers, wordmongersbiographers, hagiographersautobiographers, memoirists, memorialistsfabulists, fictioneers, fictionists, novelists, romancers, storytellersessayists, pamphleteers, satiristsdramatists, playwrights, scenarists, screenwriters, scriptwritersprosaists, prosateurs, prosersbards, poets, rhymers, versifiersbloggers, columnists, journalists, newspapermen, paragraphers, reporters, sportswriters men of letters, women of letters nonauthors one who writes from dictation or copies manuscriptsthe details of the contract were worked out by a lawyer, I being involved with it merely as a scrivener amanuenses, calligraphers, copyists, penmen, scribes |