例句 |
scrubsnounpl. of scrub a living thing much smaller than others of its kindthat scrub of a mutt turned out to be the smartest dog we ever had diminutives, dwarfs(also dwarves), midgets, mites, peewees, pygmies(also pigmies), runts, shrimp(or shrimps), Tom Thumbs nubbinsminiatures, minisbantamshomunculi, hop-o'-my-thumbs, manikins(also mannikins)half-pints behemoths, colossi, giants, jumbos, leviathans, mammoths, monsters, titans whales, whoppers scrubsverbpresent tense third-person singular of scrubto put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to)the outdoor art project was scrubbed when the organizers found out they needed permission from city hall abandons, aborts, calls, calls off, cancels, cries off, drops, recalls, repeals, rescinds, revokes, scraps abrogates, annuls, invalidates, nullifies, voids, writes offrecants, retracts, takes back, withdrawscountermands, reverses, rolls backbreaks off, discontinues, ends, halts, stops, terminatesholds back, interrupts, suspendsgives up, relinquishes, surrenders continues, keeps engages, pledges, promisesbegins, commences, initiates, startstakes on, takes up, undertakes |